Budapest, VII.Ker. Erzsébet Krt. 4. fsz 4. (In the courtyard of the house.)  Mobil: +36-70-509-9431

Here we are

text of the contract



This contract contains the rights and obligations of the parties Szuper Jogsi Autósiskola Kft. (also referred to as Driving School) and the applicant for the Driving School's educational program (also referred to as Student or Applicant). Szuper Jogsi Autósiskola Kft and Applicant together referred to as Parties. Identity of the Parties as below.


  1. Identity, contact, and company data of Driving School

1.1. Name of Driving School: Szuper Jogsi Autósiskola Kft.

1.2. The cell phone of Driving School: +36 70 509 9431

1.3 Email of Driving School: Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

1.4. Address of Driving School: 1073 Budapest, Erzsébet körút 4. ground floor, door number 4.

1.5. Legal form of Driving School: company (exact category: Kft.) regulated by Hungarian law.

1.6. Company's registration number: 01-09-982325

1.7. The number of training licenses: KE/ST/82/B/2922/1/2012.

1.8. Adult Education license number:00492-2012

1.9. Name and identification number of Driving School's leader and director: Anda János, 11633

1.10. Status of Driving School's leader: owner.

1.11. Cell phone and email address of the Driving School's leader: +36 70 509 9431; Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

1.12. Adult Education Registration number: B / 2020/002151)1.12.

Licensing Authority and Supervisory Authority:
ÉKM Építési és Közlekedési Minisztérium
Székhely: 1054 Budapest, Alkotmány utca 5.
E-mail: Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

KAV Közlekedési Alkalmassági és Vizsgaközpont Nonprofit Kft.

  • Székhely: 1033 Budapest, Polgár utca 8-10.
  • Telefon: +36-1-510-0101 / +36-1-814-1800
  • E-mail: Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.


Driving  School’s Office hours on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday: 12:00 - 17:00.

Driving  School’s Office hours on Friday: 12:00 - 18:00.


Szuper Jogsi Autósiskola Kft. organizes driver training courses based on regulations provided by law (24/2005. IV.21).


Information about the theoretical education for driver training   category   B         


E-learning education of „B” category driving license.


Identity, contact data of Applicant


Family name (All name)::

Given name (All name)::

Your mother's maiden name (Full name)::

Place of birth (City)::

Date of birth::

Zip code::

Town (City)::

Street/house number/staircase/floor/door::


e-mail address::

Passport or Hungarian ID card number / validity::


Do you have a driving license from any category from any country?:: no

Do you have a current or previous police ban?: no

The highest school qualification::




The highest school qualification:



 Primary education (8 classes in school)


Secondary education and high school graduation (grammar school)


Secondary education and secondary vocational qualification (vocational grammar school, vocational school, vocational school)


Secondary education and secondary vocational qualification (technical school)


Higher education level and higher professional qualification (higher education institution)


Higher education vocational training (higher education institution)




By signing this application form, the Applicant contributes to using the data contained in this document.

These personal data are used solely for the purpose the fulfill legal obligations required by the relevant Hungarian controlling authority, which is:

KAV (Közlekedési Alkalmassági és Vizsgaközpont Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság).

1119 Budapest, Petzvál József u. 39. Phone number: +36 1 371 3030

Office hours: Monday – Thursday: 8.00 – 15.00 o’clock. Friday: 8.00-12.00 o’clock.   (From this point referred as Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala Közlekedési Felügyelősége.) and FAR (Felnőttképzési Adatszolgáltatási Rendszer)


  • Course name "B" category education by e-learning
  • Course Accreditation Number EL / T / 2012/0004
  • • The deadline of the curriculum is 180 days (from the date of log-in first time)
  • Relative learning time 75 hours (starting from registration)
  • Minimum study hours in the program - 5 hours.


If the student-run out of 180 days/75 hours can buy additional hours in the e-learning program:

  • Additional lesson hours - 10 hours
  • Additional learning time is 30 days


Location of the application: 1073 Budapest, Erzsébet Krt. 4.




E-learning theoretical education fee (180 day/75 hours)

70 000 HUF

Driving practice     29 x 11 000 HUF /hour (50 minutes)

319 000 HUF

Each additional hour is: 11 000 HUF.

11 000 HUF/session. (50 minutes)

Driving practice  automat  29 x 11 000.- HUF /hour (50 minutes)

319 000.- HUF

Each additional hour is: 11 000 HUF.

11 000 HUF/session. (50 minutes)

If the student run out of the 180 days/75 hours can buy additional hours in the e-learning program: 15 days/10 hours – 15.000 HUF.


Our school provides a 4 900 discount for students with student cards or coupon cards from the e-learning fee. (Here the theoretical course fee is 65 100 HUF)


The student receives the e-learning curriculum by e-mail from E-Educatio Zrt - E-titan distributor.

There is no way to refund the course fees or e-learning tuition fees that have been paid to the student who signed up for the course and signed a contract with the driving school. In the case of classroom education, the learner is given the opportunity to attend a later education.


Only the school can register the students for the first theory exam. After the first exam, the student can personally register for another exam at the exam center. Address:1119. Budapest, Petzvál József utca 39.

Only the school can register the students for the practical exam (exams).

Our school manages the exams at the Exam Office every Monday morning. We cannot go to the exam office again on other days due to individual requests. Exam cancellation is possible no later than nine working days before the exam date. The examination office must also approve the cancellation of the exam.

For the exam must be needed:

Valid Passport,

Address card,

Residence permit or registration card,

Any document that contains your mother's maiden name,


Also need to prove the education of 8 years in school by the original certificate of your high school, or university degree diploma, translated into Hungarian.


The first exam may be taken without the presence of the original proof of 8 school education, but no further examination date may be booked until the document is presented.






Place of theory exam: KAV Közlekedési Alkalmassági és Vizsgaközpont Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

  1. Budapest, Petzvál József utca 39. T: +36 1 371 3030
  2. Budapest, Vas Gereben utca 2-4. T: +36 1 348 2060  


The place for closed track training:

  • Budaörs, Virág piac.
  • Budapest III. district Bécsi út 310.
  • Budapest XIV. district Irottkő park 1.
  • Budapest IV. district Berda József utca


Meeting point for practical training:


  • Budapest, XIX. district Határ út metro
  • Budapest, XIX. district Ecseri út metro
  • Budapest III. district Mozaik utca 5.
  • Budapest III. district Bécsi út (Praktiker)
  • Budapest XIV. district Írottkő park
  • Budapest XIX. district Budaőrsi virágpiac
  • Budapest IV. district Berda József utca


After a successful theory exam, you can choose an instructor at the school, after paying the first 10 driving lesson fees. 

Method of payment for the educational services: in the office of the Driving School.

The fee for practical training cannot be paid by card or bank transfer; it can only be paid in cash.

Any other solution is considered a breach of contract, with criminal penalties charged to the Applicant!


At the time of signature Driving’s School provides for the Applicant the above discount price (11 000.-HUF/session) for the practical training in driving. It is valid for the first 30 hours of practical training. Before applying to the practical driving exam, it is required by the law (24/2005. IV.21). from the Student:

-                  to participate in a minimum of 29 hours of practical training,

-                  and fulfill at least 580 kilometers of driving during the practical training.

The school reserves the right to change the price concerning the driving lessons fee to the extent of the market change!

The student can inquire about the price change on our website, from the instructor, or in our school.

After the increase in the price, the student can drive the rest paid lessons at the original price, but for the other driving lessons, the student can take on the increased hourly rate that is already valid.

If the student changes instructor, the school will refund the remaining driving lessons fee, and they can continue the lessons with the other instructor on the current driving lessons fee.

The first 10 hours of practical training fee must be paid at the office of the Driving School. Further practical training lessons can be paid in preliminary at the driving instructor. In this case, the invoice can make in the office, and the student can receive it at the office in the open time.

The practical training time (weekdays between 8. am and

Before 8. am and after 6. pm, an extra charge needs to pay, 750.-HUF/session. (12 500.-HUF/session). This extra charge is understood only for lesson/lessons that overreach the time off between 8. am and 6. pm. The practical training fee at the extreme time (weekdays, before 8. am and after 6. pm, and on weekends) is 12 500.-HUF/session. More times than the regular educational schedule (2 times/week), we also charge an additional fee of HUF 750 / hour for each lesson. (HUF 12 500 / hour).

The student on demand can choose automatic transmission cars for practice lessons.

In this case, the student after the successful exam gets a driving license that qualifies to drive only automatic transmission cars.

Lessons fee on automatic transmission car: 11 000 HUF/session. (Driving lessons fees can be paid in cash.)


Students cannot take the driving test without a valid identity and address cards!

If a restriction was registered during the medical certificate test (glasses, contact lenses), these will be checked by the examiner, and if the student does not meet these conditions, he/she will not be allowed to take the exam!

Exam cancellation is possible no later than nine working days before the exam date.

After five unsuccessful driving tests, the student must take a psychological test. A new driving exam is only possible depending on the result.


The student has his/her own responsibility to receive on the practical lessons.

The school is not responsible for the injury suffered by the student during the practical lessons or practical exams.

The student does not have any responsibility for any damages incurred in the training car during the practical lessons or practical exams.



If personal data change the student is required to notify the school within 8 days!


The student must open the online program within 90 days from the ordering date, otherwise can't log in to the program and need to pay the fee again if he/or she wants to continue the course.

Must do the theory exam within nine months from the start date of the course, and must do a successful theory exam within one year from the start date of the course, and from the successful theory exam within two years, must do a successful traffic exam so otherwise the previous exams will be lost, and required to start the course from the beginning. Please take in mind that when applying for the exam, the application must be submitted to the examination center at least three-four weeks before the deadline!


Reconciliation of practical training dates for the Student and for the Driving School’s teacher is flexible by mutual agreement. The student has to sign the driving booklet of the practical training after each hour of practical driving training. This is required by the law (24/2005. IV.21). From the pre-agreed start of each practical training session, both the Student and the Driving School’s teacher are required to wait for each other for 15 minutes.


Cancellation of a practical training session is possible if the Student notifies the Driving School’s teacher 24 hours before the start of practical training sessions. Accepted forms of communication: a phone call or SMS via phone. If cancellation does not happen in this described way:

-                  then the Student has to pay the fee for already fixed practical training sessions or sessions.

-                  on the reporting card for practical training „not appeared” will be written,

-                  and these hours do not count as fulfilled hours.


5 A student participates in practical training at his / her own responsibility. During the practical training or practical exam if an accident occurs the school is not responsible for the damage suffered by the student. The student is not liable for any damage or damages incurred in the training car.

The student the knowledge of criminal responsibility takes note of that, with his/her behavior try influencing the outcome of the exam by any means that is a criminal offense that our school will report to the competent authority.

Our school enrollment registration fee of 10 000 HUF, is payable in the event that our school dear student logs out. Both the Student and the 'School' have the right to terminate the contract without explanation. If the student terminates the contract the school is required to issue the training certificate. (Transfering document.) within 5 working days. The student gets the transferring documents if the financial liabilities (including the outstanding two parties) are settled. Payment of the registration fee, hourly rates of the practical lessons, reimbursement of driving hours paid but not realized. The registration fee is an administration fee. It contains the fee of application and exam documents, the administration of exams at KAV Közlekedési Alkalmassági és Vizsgaközpont Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság, the storing of documents for the same authority, support service in the designated office hours.


Theoretical and practical exam fees regarding driving:


Theoretical exam fee:

if computer-based 4 600 HUF


if verbally: 6 000 HUF plus the fee of the translator, who is chosen by the Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala Közlekedési Felügyelősége.


Theoretical re-exam fee:

if computer-based 4 600 HUF



if verbally: 6 000 HUF plus the fee of the translator, who is chosen by the Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala Közlekedési Felügyelősége.


Traffic exam fee:

11 000 HUF

(During the practical exam, you must pay one lesson fee for using the training car.)

Traffic re-exam fee:

11 000 HUF

(During the practical exam, you must pay one lesson fee for using the training car.)



If the student fails the traffic exam and prepares for re-examination, at least 5 additional hours of the practical training session are required.

This contains 4 hours of driving and 1 hour of exam, which 1 hour includes the use of the training car.


These data are indicative since exam and re-examination conditions are subject to alterations implemented by regulations Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala Közlekedési Felügyelősége.


The cancellation of the exam is possible before 7 workdays from the exam date.

The cancellations must be approved by the Examination Office too.


The student, the knowledge of criminal responsibility, takes note of that, with their behavior trying to influence the outcome of the exam by any means that is a criminal offense that our school will report to the competent authority.


Receiving the proof of successful practical driving exam and obtaining a driver's license


After the student completes a practical driving exam, the earliest of four days after the successful practical exam, the student can apply for

the driver's license at any administrative body municipality.


The student has to take with them the following documents:

  • valid ID card OR passport
  • registration card,
  • address card,
  • residence permit
  • first aid card
  • Medical certificate


The KAV exam center (Budapest XI dist. Petzvál József utca 39) will send the exam certificate to the Government office electronically after the successful traffic exam (at the earliest 4 working days).

In order to take your driving license, you need to have the Theory exam + Traffic exam + First Aid Exam.


First aid examination course and fees:


The student needs to take a specific first aid exam. Students can gain the necessary knowledge at the Driving School since the Driving School also organizes such first aid courses in cooperation Red Cross. Education fee: 14 500 HUF.

The examination of the Hungarian Red Cross exam venues happens personally to visit the Red Cross center (1095 Budapest, Arany János utca 31.) or online on web site:

The first aid exam fee is:18 000 HUF.

Translation has to be ensured by the Student for the exam. The Student can go with anybody to the exam as a translator, who can help him/her in the translation process since the Hungarian Red Cross does not expect an official translator.


I declare that I successfully closed eight years of elementary education and I understand that for the exams, it is required to present proof of the original certificate of this elementary or higher level of education.


If the student has any problem during the theoretical or practical education or with anything other, please inform the school director or the staff at the client's office so that we can remedy it.


Regarding this contract, the Applicant acknowledges that he/she received one copy of this contract.


Parties approve their will regarding this contract and its content by signing it.








Budapest, 2024.





               ...................................................................................................                                           ............................................................................................

                                                        Applicant                                                                                      Szuper Jogsi Autósiskola Kft







Name(s) and signature(s) of a legal representative(s) in case Applicant is under the age of 18











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